Prof Ann VanreuselProf. Ann Vanreusel Ghent University Prof. Ann Vanreusel has been part of the permanent academic staff of Ghent University since 2000. She has focused her research on the ecology of extreme marine environments including the deep sea, polar regions and mangroves. She is supervisor of 11 PhD students at the UGent. She has numerous publications in the field of marine ecology with a focus on meiofauna. Most of the deep-sea research performed by the promoter is embedded in international projects and networks such as the EU integrated projects. She also has a strong engagement in capacity building in developing countries, mainly with Kenya and Vietnam. She teaches in addition to the EMBC course, also in the ICP on Nematology and is the UGent promoter for the interuniversity master course Oceans and lakes. Ann Vanreusel is responsible for several master courses in the faculty of science mainly in the Master programs Biology, EMBC, Nematology and Marine and Lacustrine Science and Management. She mainly teaches biostatistics, marine ecology and nematode ecology. |