A dive in a microscopic world
27 Jun-1 Jul 2016 Plouzané (France)

Field trip to the meiofaunal world

One of the goal of the MeioScool Summer School is to train new meiobenthologists.

During the first two days, the conferences will explore meiofauna through several complementary disciplines (taxonomy, ecology, molecular biology).

The third day will be dedicated to a field trip to sample meiofauna.

sampling.jpg© Daniela Zeppilli / Ifremer

In the lab, we will explore the different techniques of meiofauna extraction.

extraction_.jpg© Daniela Zeppilli / Ifremer

Taxonomic determination will be conducted by the scientific experts for the most important meiofaunal groups (Nematoda, Copepoda, Rotifera, Kynorhincha, Loricifera, Tardigrada, Foraminifera, Polychaeta, Isopoda, Tanaidacea) with microscopes.

 loricifera2.jpg© Daniela Zeppilli / Ifremer

We will also overview and practice the most recent techniques in the investigation of meiofana community (confocal microscopy, SEM, FISH, in-situ experiments, barcoding, metabarcoding, etc..).








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